Union Jack (edition of 10)


Hardo’s London – Union Jack (Limited edition; 10 pieces) Though not all believe the time when Britannia ruled the waves may come back, a stronger belief in the possibilities than over the last years has not been witnessed outside of James Bond films where MI6 still plays the Intelligence role associated with a geopolitical superpower. Hardo is keeping one for himself (#9, not numbered on print) and one with his sister (# Downing Street), not numbered on print), leaving 8 (numbered, on print) for float. Priced 2020 tripled, following the year Brexit was effectuated.

Size: A0 | 33,1 x 46,8 inches


  • Sempiternal 9% resale rebate for Hardo & Co
  • Shipping costs over EUR 500 for purchaser
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